OMPC Equipment Calibration Certificates can be found HERE.
OMPC Staff Credentials can be found HERE.

Radiation Therapy Services

Routine Medical Physics Coverage

Routine Medical Physics Coverage

Routine Medical Physics CoverageThe rapidly changing radiation oncology environment requires competent, qualified medical physics staffing.  OMPC provides excellent coverage tailored to the needs of the facility.  Our goal is to exceed your expectations!


Prostate Brachytherapy Services

Prostate Brachytherapy Services

Prostate Brachytherapy ServicesOMPC possesses the first Ohio Radioactive Materials License for mobile prostate brachytherapy.  We provide the equipment, planning tools and experience to initiate prostate brachytherapy services at your facility immediately.


Annual Linear Accelerator QA

Annual Linear Accelerator QA

Annual Linear Accelerator QAIn today’s busy, cost conscious oncology practice, performing the annual linear accelerator QA can be burdensome for the on-site physicist as well as costly to maintain the expensive equipment needed to perform this important quality assurance.


Routine Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance Services

Routine Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance Services

Routine Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance ServicesSpecializing in commissioning of Varian linear accelerators and Eclipse treatment planning systems as well as RapidArc® treatment delivery, OMPC can free up the on-site physicists time and collect data and commission the systems fast to get you started with your new machine as quickly as possible.


Radiation Therapy Imaging Quality Assuranc

Radiation Therapy Imaging Quality Assurance

Radiation Therapy Imaging Quality AssuranceCT simulation has become an integral part of the treatment planning process.  Ensuring that all systems involved in the simulation, planning, and then treatment process are accurately functioning is imperative.


Routine Medical Dosimetry Coverage

In today’s world of radiation oncology the diversity of treatment planning techniques requires knowledgeable and highly skilled medical dosimetry staff. 


Radiation Safety

Radiation Safety

Radiation SafetyState regulations require that area surveys be conducted for all radiation machines.  OMPC has the best equipment and the experience to perform these tests and provide reporting that provides commendations from state inspectors.


Facility Shielding Design and Consultation

Facility Shielding Design and Consultation

Facility Shielding Design and ConsultationOMPC has specialized in the design and consultation for the construction of many new cancer centers, imaging facilities and physician offices.  Our team is with you well before the shovel hits the dirt through the opening of your exciting new venture.


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Phone: 888-245-OMPC (6672)

Fax: 888-245-6511


1681 Old Henderson Road

Columbus, OH 43220