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Jeffrey Barbarits, M.S., D.A.B.R.

Jeffrey Barbarits, M.S., D.A.B.R.
Chief Clinical Medical Physicist – Diagnostic

Jeff completed a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.  He then completed a Master of Science in Medical Physics from the CAMPEP accredited program at the University at Buffalo.  His Master’s thesis focused on the clinical implementation of tissue inhomogeneity correction in dose calculations and monitor unit verifications for radiation therapy treatment plans.  Also while at the University at Buffalo, Jeffrey was involved in the development and testing of a computer program to monitor in real time, the entrance skin dose to a patient during interventional fluoroscopy procedures.

Jeff joined Ohio Medical Physics Consulting in January 2011.  Jeff is a Certified Radiation Expert in the categories of Mammography and Diagnostic, Other than Mammography in the state of Ohio, a qualified Medical Physicist in accordance with MQSA requirements and is a registered Medical Physicist for the State of West Virginia. Jeff received ABR Certification in Diagnostic Physics in May, 2014.

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1681 Old Henderson Road

Columbus, OH 43220