OMPC Equipment Calibration Certificates can be found HERE.
OMPC Staff Credentials can be found HERE.

Diagnostic Services

Certified Radiation Expert Services

Certified Radiation Expert ServicesBy Ohio regulation, hospitals must have the services of a Certified Radiation Expert (CRE). Our experienced Certified Radiation Experts will perform a thorough annual audit, as required by Ohio regulation, plus mandatory quarterly reports.

  We also attend your Quality Assurance/Radiation Safety meetings to answer questions and make ourselves available for consultation.  Ask yourself – is my CRE preventing my inspection citations or causing them?

OMPC works with you to ensure compliance – your inspection is our inspection.  Our annual CRE audit is right in line with the inspection criteria used by the Ohio Department of Health, so our thorough review is excellent preparation.  Once the audit is done, we work alongside you to correct any deficiencies found, providing policies, procedures and training as needed.  You won’t just see us annually, however, as we attend your quarterly meetings and make ourselves available throughout the year as issues arise.  We also keep you informed of any pending or new regulations that require action so you don’t find out about the latest requirements the hard way.

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Phone: 888-245-OMPC (6672)

Fax: 888-245-6511


1681 Old Henderson Road

Columbus, OH 43220