OMPC Equipment Calibration Certificates can be found HERE.
OMPC Staff Credentials can be found HERE.

Diagnostic Services

Radioactive Materials License Auditing and Radiation Safety Officer Services

Whether you need routine auditing of your medical radioactive materials license or assistance in obtaining a license, OMPC has extensive experience with the Ohio Department of Health in both areas.

  Need the services of an expert to run your radioactive materials compliance program?  We can provide that also.

Regulations governing the use of radioactive materials can be imposing – shouldn’t you have an experienced partner to assist you in ensuring your facility is in compliance?  OMPC works with you to ensure that you maintain and stay in compliance with the following routine services:

  • Thorough quarterly audits to ensure conformity with applicable regulations and the conditions of your license.
  • Attendance at quarterly Radiation Safety Committee meetings.
  • Routine testing of your dose calibrator, well counter, uptake probe and annual calibration of survey meters.
  • Provision of appropriate policies and procedures related to radiation safety.
  • Annual staff radiation safety training.
  • Drafting of all required amendments and license renewals.
  • Complete set-up of new operations or services.
  • Immediate availability during inspections by phone or e-mail.

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Phone: 888-245-OMPC (6672)

Fax: 888-245-6511


1681 Old Henderson Road

Columbus, OH 43220